October 20, 1922 Founded Tokushima Higher Technical School(Departments of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry (Agricultural Chemical Division and Pharmaceutical Chemical Division))
April 9, 1937 Established Department of Pharmaceutical Chemical Science.
Augest 26, 1937 Established Temporarily Training Course for Engineering Technicians.
April 1, 1939 Established Training Course for Mechanical Engineers.
May 26, 1939 Established Department of Machine Tools(Incorporated into Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1944).
April 12, 1940 Established Department of Electrical Engineering.
March 4, 1943 Established Training Center for Engineering Teachers.
April 1, 1944 Established Department of Naval Architecture.
April 1, 1944 Renamed to Tokushima Technical College. Founded Secondary Evening Course in Department of Mechanical Engineering.
May 31, 1949 Founded The University of Tokushima( Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine, and Faculty of Engineering). Tokushima Technical College was incorporated into The University of Tokushima.
March 31, 1951 Discontinued Tokushima Technical College.
April 1, 1951 Founded Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Discontinued Department of Pharmaceutical Chemical Sciences in Faculty of Engineering.
April 1,1961 Established Department of Precision Mechanics.
April 1, 1964 Founded Graduate School of Engineering (Master's Course) in 4 Courses (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Electric Engineering).
April 1, 1965 Established Department of Chemical Engineering.
April 1, 1965 Established Precision Mechanics Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 1967 Established Department of Electronic Engineering.
April 1, 1969 Established Chemical Engineering Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 1969 Established Department of Construction Engineering.
April 1, 1971 Established Electronic Engineering Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
May 1, 1972 Established Secondary Course in Applied Mathematics as a Common Curriculum.
April 1, 1973 Established Department of Information Science and Information Processing Engineering Course as a Common Curriculum.
April 1, 1974 Established Construction Engineering Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 1977 Established Information Science Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 1988 Established Department of Biological Science and Technology Re-established 44 Divisions in 9 Departments to 17 Major Divisions in 6 Departments (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Science and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Science and Intelligent Systems and Biological Science and Technology).
April 1, 1991 Established 3 Courses for Doctoral Course at Graduate School of Engineering (Material Science and Engineering, Production and Development Engineering, and Systems Engineering). Revised 9 Courses in Master's Course to 5 Courses (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Science and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Information Science and Intelligent Systems).
April 12, 1991 Established 6 Divisions for Doctoral Course at Graduate School of Engineering (Advanced Properties of Materials, Chemical and Biological Conversion Process, Production and Energy Systems, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Information Systems and Mathematical Engineering, and Electronic Circuits and Machinery Systems).
April 1, 1992 Established Biological Science and Technology Course for Master's Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
October 1, 1993 Discontinued Junior Industrial College. Revised Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Science and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Biological Science and Technology to Daytime and Evening Courses. Established Department of Optical Science and Technology. Revised 17 Major Divisions in 6 Departments to 22 Major Divisions in 7 Departments (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Science and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Biological Science and Technology, and Optical Science and Technology).
April 1, 1997 Established Ecosystem Engineering Course for Doctoral Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 1998 Established Optical Science and Technology Course for Master's Course at Graduate School of Engineering.
April 1, 2000 Reorganized 3 Courses in Doctoral Courses at Graduate School of Engineering into 4 Courses (Materials Science and Technology, Macro-systems Control Engineering, Functional Systems Engineering, and Information Science and Systems Engineering).
April 1, 2004 All National Universities transformed into National University Corporations.
April 1, 2006 Reorganized Graduate School of Engineering,with the foundation of Institute of Technology and Science in Graduate School, into Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science (Doctoral Course and Master's Course) having three main majors of Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, Earth and Life Environmental Engineering, and Systems Innovation Engineering. Branch of Nano-Materials Technology (Nichia) was established in the Center fo Frontier Research of Engineering.
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