■加藤かおり RN, MSN
(2017年3月 博士前期課程修了)
■所属:医療法人清流会 訪問看護ステーションそよかぜ?管理者?精神科訪問看護
■Kaori Kato, RN, MSN
( Graduated in 2017 Master's Program )
■Affiliation:Seiryukai Healthcare Corporation, Manager of Visiting Nursing Station Soyokaze, Visiting Psychiatric Nursing
■ Current Initiatives
I graduated in 2017 and have been working as a psychiatric nurse since then. In my current medical corporation, I was involved in the establishment of a visiting nurse station, and now, as the manager of a visiting nurse station, I am responsible for its operation and management. I feel that the knowledge I learned in Dr. Tanioka's lab, especially about care management through data analysis, is useful in every aspect of my work. I find it rewarding to interact with many people in a workplace where the situation changes every moment, but I also want to return to research. Therefore, I am considering the challenge of enrolling in a Ph.D. program in the future.
■宮本 美恵RN, MSN
■所属:徳島県立中央病院 副院長兼看護局長
■Mie Miyamoto RN, MSN
(Graduated in 2018 Master's Program )
■Affiliation:Deputy Director and Director of Nursing, Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital
■ Current Initiatives
I have been admitted to a nursing graduate school in 2016. The contents of my graduate school studies helped me develop the attitude and methods to learn as a nursing manager. That is competency to think logically, conceptualize what is necessary, and communicate it to others. At graduate school, the challenge was to find time to participate in laboratory seminars after work and to give up holidays to attend classes. However, I remember that taking classes and studying with young people was refreshing and enjoyable. To be honest, I am not currently engaged in research activities, but I worry and think about nursing research with the nursing staff, read papers, and continue to learn. Finally, I would like to thank Professor Tanioka and all the other professors who provided careful guidance when I was a graduate student.