Pathology and Laboratory Medicine



Departmental Homepage





To Medical School Page

Location and Building


Location and Building


Location and Building


Research Fields and Projects

Chemical Carcinogenesis

  1. Mechanisms of Chemical Carcinogenesis and Prevention
  2. Cancer Susceptibility Genes of Rats
  3. Carcinogenicity of Environmental Carcinogens

Radiation Injury

  1. X-ray Sensitivity and Carcinogenesis
  2. X-ray-induced Diabetes

Cancer Metastasis

  1. Mechanisms of Bone Metastasis
  2. Angiogenesis

Pathology of Human Cancer

  1. Breast Cancer




MON 16:30-Preconference of Autopsy Cases
WED 13:00-Gross and Microscopic Observation of Autopsy Cases
? 14:00-CPC of Autopsy Cases
? 16:30-Journal Club and Research Meeting
SAT 13:00-Surgical Pathology Personal


Programs for Graduate Students

Clinical Pathology Histological, Immunohistochemical and Molecular Diagnosis Training of Autopsy
Experimental Pathology Animal Models of Cancer and Diabetes Genetic Analysis of Intercross Rats Microarray Analysis (Toxicology and Cancer Susceptibility)





Last Update:2017.7.21