Online edition: ISSN 2433-345X
Printed edition: ISSN-L 1340-5632
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Index of the Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University, published by the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences.
This journal was established in 1994, and the last printed version was published in 2016. Since then, the journal has made the transition to on-line. Because the format of publication has been changed, we also changed the ISSN. For Issues 1-24 the ISSN was 1340-5632, but from Issue 25, a new number, 2433-345X, has been allocated.
ISSN 1340-5632
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The university of Tokushima
index Japanese The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.
Modes of Mismating(6):In the Case of 'The First Countess of Wessex' -Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel' ····· MIYAZAKI, Takayoshi
Hohe Minnes Siegfrieds im Nibelungenlied unde dynastische Liebe des Kaisers Takakura in der Heike-Geschichte [German] ····· ISHIKAWA, Eisaku
Der Bericht über das Kriegsgefangenenlager Kurume von Major Buchenthaler (?bersetzung ins Japanische mit Erl?uterungen) ····· IDO, Keiji
Erinnerung und Gred?chtnis -über Günter Grass'"Beim H?uten der Zweibe l ····· YORIOKA, Ryuji
Developement of CGI-based Automatic Scoring and Tabulation System and its Application to English Education ····· NAKASHIMA, Kohji
Eigenst?ngige Textinterpretation und deren kriteriengeleitete Bewetung -Probleme um das Zentralabitur im Fach Deutsch ····· KATSURA, Shuji
Guy de Maupassant's Madame Lantin's Jewels: An English Abridgement and JapaneseTranslation [English] ····· STURGE,Donald
Expectations of Time Spent on Homework: A Comparative Study of Japanese and Australian Primary SchooIs [English] ····· STEPHENS, Meredith Anne
Errors made in compositions by intermediate-class Japanese learners in Taiwan ····· WANG, Ming-tung and SENBA, Mitsuaki
The change from"Ichijo Sesho Gyoshu" to Setsuwa -An introduction to"The change from Utagatari and Utamonogatari to Setsuwa" - ····· TSUTSUMI, Kazuhiro
The supplement to the List of Hougenmonogatari manuscrpts ····· HARAMIZU, Tamiki
The Copy, Purchase, Investigation, Utilization of Hougenmonogatari ····· HARAMIZU, Tamiki
A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Dainihon chukosenkakushi" (4) ····· ARIMA, Takuya
Volume XV
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2007
ISSN 2433-345X
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
index Japanese The articles are in Japanese.
The Ideology of Sensibility in Della Cruscan Poetry and the 18th Century Media ― .... TAKUBO Hiroshi
Schreiben und Zeichnen ~ Günter Grass und die bildende Kunst .... YORIOKA Ryuji
A study on Exchanged Chokas between Michitsunanohaha and Kaneie in the first half of Vol. One of Kageronikki .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro
Dans le fourré d’Akutagawa Ryunosuké et La fille du comte de Ponthieu .... TAJIMA Toshiro
Volume XXV
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2017
ISSN 2433-345X
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
index Japanese The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.
Hardy’s Narrative Techniques — A Sense of Distance in ‘The Withered Arm’ ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi
‘Wabe’, ‘Gyre’ and ‘Gimble’ in ‘Jabberwocky’ in Through the Looking-Glass .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko
Der Versuch über Günter Grass? Collabo-literarische Aktivit?t .... YORIOKA Ryuji
?ber den ?bersetzer Murakami Haruki [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES
Study on Position of LIU XIAOYI(劉孝儀)’s YANTI-LIANZHU(豔體連珠) in the Literature of WEIJIN(魏晋) and Northern and Southern Courts period .... OMURA Kazuhito
Volume XXVII
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 24, 2019
ISSN 2433-345X
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
index Japanese The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.
Die Kooperation von Günter Grass und seinen Verlegern beim ?Büchermachen‘ .... YORIOKA Ryuji
Zur Theorie des filmischen Raums (Teil 1) [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES
Study on MORI Shuntō’s AWA FUDO SHI .... OMURA Kazuhito
Volume XXX
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre , 2022
ISSN 2433-345X
Journal of Language and Literature
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
index Japanese The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.
“The Skins of Yahoos” in Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko
Kriegsgefangene im Lager Bando nach der Befreiung-ein Aspekt des deutsch-japanischen Kulturaustauschs- .... YORIOKA Ryuji
Zur Theorie des filmischen Raums (Teil 2) [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES
Study on the whole story of the publication of NAKAGAWA Kengaku’s two Naruto Strait and its position on the history of Japanese and Chinese poetry. .... OMURA Kazuhito
Volume XXXI
The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre , 2023