Training people for innovation in science and technology
We aim to foster independent, socially-grounded individuals with a zest for life (intellectual, social and interpersonal, and self-regulating ability), with a keen awareness of social and world problems, which they can tackle using science and technology based on high ethical standards.
The Faculty of Science and Technology offers a curriculum covering the broad field of science and engineering, with a night course open to adult learners. The advanced programs in basic education integrating science and engineering aims to develop global-minded personnel with the holistic perspective that supports innovation and the ability to respond to advances in science and technology.
In addition, we introduced a progressive selection system that allows students to modify the courses in the second year according to their aspirations and results. We are developing various distinctive educational systems such as enhancing science and engineering basic education in the four fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM education), a six-year comprehensive curriculum that links the basic undergraduate education to the education for graduate school research and so on. The results of the parent organization, the Department of Mathematical and Material Sciences of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Engineering, show that the number of students going directly from undergraduate to Master's program in the graduate school was more than 55% in the last three years.
Students can obtain teaching licenses of mathematics and science at junior high school as well as mathematics, science, information science and technology at senior high school. Furthermore, the possibility of getting job in various fields of industry could open up for graduate students.