Oral Health Science and Social Welfare

Prof.Kataoka Kousuke Email:kataoka-k@tokushima-u.ac.jp 

Our final goal that should be accomplished is to make contributions to the modern super aging society as experts on the field of oral health and social welfare. The major subjects of our research are as follows.

  • The development of DCs-targeting adjuvants applying the mucosal immune systems
  • The establishment of novel prophylaxis of periodontal disease by peptides derived from salivary proteins
  • The elucidation of cellular and molecular mechanisms for salivary secretory-IgA secretion
  • Exploration of novel functions of salivary secretory-IgA antibodies
  • Research on the onset and prevention of social isolation and loneliness
  • Study on the correlation between social frailty and oral frailty
Oral Health Science and Social Welfare Professor Kataoka Kousuke
Kataoka Kousuke
Oral Health Science and Social Welfare

In our laboratory, we are conducting the following research and activities in order to explore issues in the fields of oral health and social welfare in today's super-aging society, and to propose measures that can contribute to the world from the standpoints of oral health and social welfare professionals.
