Oral Health Care and Rehabilitation

Prof. Matsuyama Miwa E-mail: miwa.matsuyama@tokushima-u.ac.jp

Main Research Theme

  1. Research on oral function management in care and preventive care
  2. Research on oral function, nutrition, and QOL of older adults or people with disabilities
  3. Research on the effects of oral function rehabilitation
  4. Development of an electrical muscle stimulator to prevent eating and swallowing hypofunctions
  5. Development of a new index for swallowing function evaluation by ultrasound imaging
  6. Verification of the relationship between swallowing function and respiratory function


Oral Health Care and Rehabilitation Professor Matsuyama Miwa
Matsuyama Miwa
Oral Health Care and Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of oral function for those who have oral hypofunction due to aging, disease, or disability is thought to improve nutritional status and general health, and improve individual QOL. In our research field, we are conducting several clinical studies in order to obtain a scientific basis for the effects of oral function management.
