Hygiene and Oral Health Science

Prof.Hinode Daisuke Email:hinode@tokushima-u.ac.jp

Main research themes

  1. Epidemiological research related to community dental health
    We are focusing on research that leads to the improvement of QOL for residents by the analysis against regional oral health issues. In maternal and child health, we have reported the usefulness of free prenatal oral examination provided by a municipality, based on the relationship between oral health behaviors of mothers and the development of dental caries in children. In addition, we have reported on the importance of measures against oral frailty in older adults, based on epidemiological studies that subjective oral frailty was related to subsequent adverse health outcomes (disability and mortality) and an increase in medical expenditures. 
  2. Clinical research related to oral health
    We are clarifying factors related to halitosis, and conducting clinical trial regarding effects of a newly development toothbrush at Dental Hygiene Section in Tokushima University Hospital. It has reported that the accumulation of tongue coating contributes to the production of volatile sulfur compounds, therefore, prevention of oral malodor to reduce the accumulation of tongue coating is needed.


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